And I have discovered the person who belongs to my painting. Her name is Jo Ann Elig and she lives in Rhode Island in the United States. Check our her blog. This is the original picture and I've posted my painting again as a comparison.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas in Cape Town
And I have discovered the person who belongs to my painting. Her name is Jo Ann Elig and she lives in Rhode Island in the United States. Check our her blog. This is the original picture and I've posted my painting again as a comparison.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
DSFDF - My Challenge

Monday, December 22, 2008
Lion Kings
Before I started writing to V, I had done my own little watercolour of two lions, also taken from a photo from the KNP. Although I don't have V's ability, I thought I would post it just for interest sake.
Check our her blog and website. She's really good.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
After the Fire
It also heralds the start of the 'silly season' when we get hundreds of visitors from upcountry to our lovely beaches and mountains, where the beach parties are in full swing, sun drenched bikini clad bodies soak up the sun on Clifton Fourth Beach, tanned muscular bodies play beach volleyball, surfers in Muizenberg, hikers on Table Mountain, sometimes losing their way - and of course, everyone eats too much on Christmas Day.
But the summer 'silly season' is also Fire Season. The wind blows, someone throws out a cigarette butt and, whooosh, the mountain starts burning. It's just taken some very brave firefighters five days and nights to bring the fires in Gordon's Bay and the Strand, just outside Cape Town, under control. It wiped out three houses in the process. Out of control fires are also the nightmare of the informal settlements where not just one, but usually up to 20 shack dwellings can be destroyed.
The fires also have their uses. The king protea (which is the national flower of South Africa and the official emblem of our cricket team) and all the other species of protea, need fire to germinate. This also applies to a number of indigenous flowers in the Western Cape. Whilst walking near Greyton, I came across the result of a fire. These burned out proteas were so stark against the new grasses growing nearby.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Karin's Boots
I did, however, have endless trouble trying to photograph the painting. Maybe it's my colour choice of background, but they always came out so yellow. In the end, I used photoshop (which I'm a complete novice with) to try and get the colours more or less as the original painting.
I enjoyed painting them. Thank you Karin.

Monday, December 8, 2008
I love painting these guys. He was also in Greyton and came to fix some plumbing job whilst I was house and dog sitting. He and his workmate (colloquially known as 'handlanger') sat on the edge of the verandah in the winter sunshine fiddling and fixing whilst I took photos. Marius has the gentlest of faces I've seen for a long time - such a gentle soul, and I tried my best to capture that. I am currently doing an oil of him as well and will post that when it's finally finished - no 'painting a day' in this neck of the woods! Not just yet, anyway.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Brown Eyes
That's for the next few weeks. In the meantime, this little watercolour was taken from a pic and done in our watercolour Monday group. I feel, again, that I've overworked it, but I will get better with practice - that's what I've been lead to believe, anyway!
Check out Sharon Wright's, Susan Carlin's and Susan Martin's sites for some exceptional specialised portrait work.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
On my way home that Sunday, I stopped off at the Houwhoek farm stall and bought a Hanepoot vine for my garden - (I've always wanted a grape vine!) - and the rather gruff elderly lady who looks after the nursery saw the painting, loved it, so I gave it to her.
The second painting of the pink roses was done last Monday in our watercolour group - it was a 10 minute exercise and I rather enjoyed stopping when I had to.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
This first one is a work in progress, which I thought I'd include

The final picture. I was never absolutely happy with it, but decided to leave it as is, anyway.

And the watercolour, which Roland took home with him.

I have also been tagged by Carolann.
And yet again I have been tagged by Sharon.
And now I'm supposed to do the same thing to 7 other unsuspecting artists! Oh dear! I hope no-one minds if I combine all these and just do 7 and not 21.
There are also rules -
1. Put a link in your posting to the person who tagged you.
2. List seven (7) unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag seven (7) other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.
It has taken me this long to do something about it, because I didn't have a clue on how to link names. Thank you Di for that.
7 things about myself? Here goes -
1. I finally got my pension card so I can go to Kirtenbosch for free on a Tuesday.
2. I slaved in the advertising industry for 33 years and was relieved to finally stop. Ad agencies are heavy work - I was on the media side.
3. I have a son who is 34 years old and lives at the top of the world in Sweden with his wife and my grandson (and a granddaughter on the way).
4. I teach fabric painting to a group of people in a church hall in Maitland - it's a great way to introduce people to some form of painting, and I love their reactions when they finish a piece - they feel so proud.
5. I have season tickets to Newlands and am a staunch Western Province and Stormers rugby supporter. I also love cricket and am a member of the Western Province Cricket Club. Watching a 5 day test with Australia or England - just the best!! Especially when we beat them!
6. I have never done any fine arts or artistic courses of any kind. The last time I did any form of art was in my matric year. I have been painting now for just over 18 months, started off with acrylic and now am sold on oils and watercolour.
7. I love my garden, especially in summertime, and share it with the birds, moles, snails and caterpillars.
And now, please forgive me, the following artists whose names I have included.
Carol Hadfield
Thea Burger
Heather Selby
Carol Schiff
Sylvia Jensted
Susan Carlin
Dianne Mize
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Some time ago, before I started my art lessons, when I was struggling with the beginnings of oils, I painted a picture of a Rasta who lives in the Imizamo Yethu settlement in Hout Bay. His name is Donavan and he feeds a colony of about 8 stray cats in the area. To feed them, he makes a fishing line and goes down to the harbour in Hout Bay to catch fish. I did a pencil drawing of him and then I tried my hand at an oil.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Jemma in Watercolour - Sold

Monday, October 13, 2008
Joan's Watercolour

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Lion's Head from Table Mountain

With the advent of summer, I have also decided that this winter weight must go, so it's off the gym for me. I am going to try and do at least three mornings a week at 30 minutes a stretch so I don't have to buy a new summer wardrobe! Also teaching Tai Chi once a week will get those under-used muscles a bit of a workout. One thing I won't be doing, is climbing Table Mountain. This is from a picture taken by my cousin from Kwa-Zulu Natal whilst on holiday in the Cape. I have loosened up my technique quite a bit - I was trying to get too picture perfect. Comments would be most appreciated.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Jemma - Sold

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Eye to Eye 18" x 24"
Monday, September 8, 2008
My Views - Selection Day

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Aquarium 18"x24"
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Cake Mix

At the end of June, armed with a small 10"x12" canvas, I took myself off to class and asked my teacher, Margie Johnson, to please guide me through a still life. My mind always went blank when the words 'still life' were mentioned - I never saw the point of painting a couple of old pots, cups and a bunch of flowers! But I thought I had to try and the little brown one, which has never been named, is the result.
Since then I have done another one of which I am quite proud. This one does have a name - Cake Mix - and was done on a slightly bigger canvas 12"x16". Every item was white, but mine didn't quite turn out that way.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Beaded Beads

I have always loved working with my hands, whether it was knitting, potting or just digging in the garden. Painting has always been there, but I never (a) had the time, or (b) thought I was good enough. Now I've realised, you create because you want to, and not for what anybody else thinks of you. One of the elements of creating that I really like is beading. I do it simply because I like it - I never wear jewellery, so I now help my teacher, Maré Abbott by putting together the work she visualises. If you would like to join her classes, e-mail her at Classes are held in Cape Town, but she does teach in Johannesburg and Durban. Here are just two examples of firstly, beaded beads and the second is based on a Zulu rope design.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Blue Jeans 18"x24" - SOLD
Seagulls & Lobster pots

The top one is the watercolour of the lobster pots, a project taken from Leisure Painter magazine, the acrylic of the two seagulls is from a photograph taken at Muizenberg here in Cape Town whilst the 3 gulls come from a magazine. The last one is the oil - taken from my head and number of other sources.

Monday, July 28, 2008
Moonrise, Misty River, Boots
When I first started painting last year, my medium of choice was acrylic. I loved the ability to use lots of paint and get texture with huge dollops of paint on the surfaces of my paintings. I gradually learnt to temper my enthusiasm and to moderate my painting techniques.
And then I decided to do watercolours. I have always loved watercolour work and decided to try
my hand at it. The first results were the little pics of the archway, harbour and window box, plus the two just posted. The seascape of the moonlight (3rd pic) is possibly the very first watercolour I did. I then discovered oils and that certainly took up my time and effort just learning to deal with the medium.
My efforts with watercolour went by the wayside. Until this year when I scratched through my watercolour box and decided to try my hand again. The two pics at the top are the result. The boots are Margie Johnson's, as part of a still life, and the water one comes from a pic from a magazine.