This past Monday I thought I would try James Parker's challenge in Watercolour! Ha! What a disaster. I find that about one in five of my watercolours I'm happy with, yet I keep on trying.
So, after tearing that one up, I thought I would try it in pencil. Only having watercolour paper with me, this is the rather 'bumpy' result.

Now I don't usually use graphite to sketch with, but this one was also done with pencil in about 10 minutes. I had decided I'd finished the oil portrait, and did this whilst waiting.

And then finally, my favourite sketching medium, charcoal. One of the ladies brought in this skull one Friday and it was quite a challenge to sketch. It used to be her horse until it died.
I love the Redheads. Liz, I have awarded you a Sunshine Blog Award for consistent and positive blogging. I hope you will receive it from my site!
I had seen this painting in Arti's blog. The pencil version is very nice. But what I loved was the skull of the horse. I felt it staring right at me.
Your pencil version of the readheads is really nice Liz!
You are so very talented, Liz. I love each of these sketches, including the redheads! I see no bumps in the rendering. I must admit to a bit of sadness at the skull though.
Like your graphite work. Great drawings
You go girl! What a fun drawing of the two redheads! And, I'm with Autumn Leaves...sad at the skull...but it is an excellent drawing!! :)
I admire you for working until you were satisfied with your finished product! I am looking forward to admiring these pieces in person in the coming months!
Hi Liz - I really like your drawings! Each has its own special attraction for me. Good job! :-)
Ken B.
The redheads are delightful, and seem to be enjoying each other's company as much as we all enjoy your drawings.
this is my first pop in to your blog...I like your paintings...
i'm going to poke around here some more..and prob. end up following you!
come by my blog too are always welcome.
Amazing sketches! Even, I liked the skull too much! The redheads is sooo sketched them beautifully!
Great work on the sketches Liz. Im sure your being hard on yourself with the watercolours, you have done a great job on Lion.
Terrific sketches Liz... It is so important and you're so good at it!!
All of you sketchers are making me feel guilty...
Sooooooo the lady kept the skull of her horse...????? What's that all about??
Not bumpy at all, Liz..the sketch looks great to me! Why don't I see many of charcoal drawings on your page, if this is yor favourite medium?
I've been slow in turning on my computer just lately, hence the slow responses!
Thank you Marie - for both the comment and the award!
Hi Prabal - Arti's painting of this pic was really great! I enjoyed it and I did enjoy the horse skull despite my not being overkeen on dead animals!
Thank you so much Ramesh!
Hi there Sherry and thank you for such generous words. If you look closely you can see the watercolour paper showing through on the Redheads. The skull was a bit disturbing at first, but you got used to it and the horse had a good life.
Thank you Tony!
Gosh Saundra, thank you and I know it's always sad when an animal dies, but Barbara is a true artist who saw the lines and shadows of the skull, rather than what it had been. Farm girl stuff!
He there Sheila - are you coming to SA? Please let me know when, where and how!!! Would love to see you.
Thank you dear Ken!
Gosh Charlene, what a lovely comment. Thank you.
Hello Carmelina - thank you for the visit! But I tried to get into your blog(s) but nothing came up!! Will keep trying.
Thank you Megha - I did enjoy sketching the Redheads - much better than my watercolour effort.
Seriously Sam, the watercolour was awful! But enjoying the sketching was a bonus.
How can I make you feel guilty Marian when you are the Queen of Plein Air painters - if anyone should feel guilty, it's me! And I thank you for your wonderful words.
Oh gosh Arti, I don't think I do enough drawing! Charcoal is my favourite sketching medium when I do draw. I think I'm too busy trying to paint!!
Liz, You are so very talented, what a diverse subjectmatter you have presented to us. It is always fun to see what you have been up to and you never fail to entertain us with something new.
The sketches are truely outstanding, the hand on the little girl in redheads is marvelous and the skull is haunting.
Thanks for all your positive remarks you leave on my blog. You will never know what a thrill it is for me to hear from you.
Got such a chuckle over the redheads. It's so cute and full of character. You are a talented sketcher. Good drawing is what makes a better artist.
Liz, I love your sketches especially the skull...can't help but think of Georgia O'Keeffe skull paintings.
Hi Liz !
Thank you very much for your comments, as you can see I am facinated with China.
Tkae care
I love the drawings and immediately thought, O'Keefe, when I saw the skull. Of course, I am a bit taken aback by the fact that she kept the horse around long enough for it to become a skeleton.....hmmmm.
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