I did, however, have endless trouble trying to photograph the painting. Maybe it's my colour choice of background, but they always came out so yellow. In the end, I used photoshop (which I'm a complete novice with) to try and get the colours more or less as the original painting.
I enjoyed painting them. Thank you Karin.

You did well on these, Liz. The little bit of blue against the other relatively muted colors is sublime.
Liz, this is beautifully painted! I had a look at the site and was amazed at the variety of boot paintings. Well done for taking up the challenge! You said in a comment on my blog that you will wait to comment on framing, since you are still learning to paint. I think you are certainly good enough to frame/or not your work, I hope you have some of your work hanging in your house?
Thank you Susan - they were great to paint but a nightmare to photograph.
Di, you are too kind for weds. My favourite boot painting on Karin's site is a painting by Carolee Clark, about half way down. I need to develop an imagination - too Capricorn I guess. And yes, I've run out of space in my workroom so wall space is being utilised all over the house!
Hello Liz - I've enjoyed looking around your blog - I love your paintings of your grandson especially, and the sea scenes make me very nostalgic for the Cape. I'll be back!
Great job, so well painted. I love the blue, too!
Thank you Cathy and Sharon for your kind comments.
Hi liz.I am still celebrating indian win over england!First test.
Your painting is fabulous.The leather texture is too good to believe.keep it up.
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