This week has been one of those weeks that we all occasionally have. I seem to have spent all my days running around, firstly with the exhibition we have on at the moment, secondly with trying to get my visa and passport in order so that I can leave next week and thirdly with all the shopping I've had to do - that was nice though, I love buying presents to take over. The shop assistants think you're nuts when you test the weight of each thing you buy! And on top of that, the weather has been energy draining hot!
I've started a few paintings in between all the chaos, but nothing is finished. I was looking at Jo Ann Elig's blog at a recent post when she did a copy of a well known American artist, William Merritt Chase's work. In class about two months ago, we were given a project to also do a Master, so I thought, in lieu of not having a really new painting to post, I would put this up.
It's a copy of a Berthe Morisot painting, Lady at her Toilette and I found it one of the most difficult things to do - copy another's work. In the end, you tend to put a bit of yourself into it and it shows if you go to the original.
I've started a few paintings in between all the chaos, but nothing is finished. I was looking at Jo Ann Elig's blog at a recent post when she did a copy of a well known American artist, William Merritt Chase's work. In class about two months ago, we were given a project to also do a Master, so I thought, in lieu of not having a really new painting to post, I would put this up.
It's a copy of a Berthe Morisot painting, Lady at her Toilette and I found it one of the most difficult things to do - copy another's work. In the end, you tend to put a bit of yourself into it and it shows if you go to the original.

Well I find it quite comforting that a bit of you shows through even when you're trying to paint like someone else - your copy looks excellent - a good idea for learning how to paint those whites that I've been struggling with!
Hi liz,
3-1 series lead and win !!
Where are you heading for holidays?will you be painting there?
I have not been able to copy any masters work, never tried too.I have not seen the original ,so this is fine as i find.Portrits are difficult any have done a good job.
Thank you Cathy. I used an awful lot of white on this, but it was lovely as I painted over a burnt sienna base. The white just came to life.
Hey Sanjeev isn't it great?? Maybe 4-1 after Friday? I'm off to Sweden to visit my son and his family, plus waiting for a new granddaughter while I'm there. I think I'm going to be cold! I'm taking my watercolours so will try and post some very white snow paintings!!!
If you click on the name of the painting in my blog, you will get the original work and clicking on her name will tell you all about her relationship with the French Impressionists.
Hi, have a great time in Sweden, a bit of a change of temperature!! Hope you enjoy seeing your family and new granddaughter, how lovely! Take lots of photos. It must inspire you to do new paintings when you visit. I love the Morisot - one of my fav. Impressionists. Like how the base colour works so well and really makes the colours sing. x
How wonderful, Liz..
Life is full of beautiful things. Enjoy them all.... even the chaos!
Copying other artists work is one of the "basics" for artists as they learn. And the commenter that said that a little of us always shows through is soo true.. even when we don't want it to.
Hi Liz
Great painting.
Hi Liz, well done with this painting! It is a great exercise to copying an old master.
I popped in to see your exhibition and really enjoyed seeing your paintings in the flesh! I had a lovely chat with Margie.
Have a great time in Sweden and hope all goes well for the birth of your little grandaughter, you are going to be smitten!
Hi Liz,I agree with you.Copying another artist's work is difficult.I myself have done a couple of Monet's paintings.I found his strokes difficult to copy.But it was a truly learning experience!Anyway,your painting has come out very nicely!
I love your copy. I was forced to dissect and study a painting which is not something I truly enjoy. I found also that you can't copy something identically. There is always something of you that shows through.
Great job! Have fun in Sweden and good luck.
My gosh Carolann, I'm dreading the total change in temperature - I don't have any snow clothes so am going to borrow my daughter-in-law's as it would be a total waste buying - I'd never wear them here. I love the story surrounding Berthe Morisot and her relationship with the Impressionists - I think she did some amazing paintings. But that background was soooo hard!
You're so right Marian. Life IS full of beautiful things.
I was once told that copying one of the masters was a cop-out, so was unsure about posting this. But I've subsequently found out that it's part of the learning process. Thank you for confirming that.
Hi Pete, nice to hear from you again and thanks for the kind comment. Your last posting in Dec was also of an old painting, so I'm in good company!
Di it's so nice to have you back in blogland. And I'm sorry I missed you at our exhibition. Thank you for your kind comments and I know I'll be smitten!
Hello again Ramesh. Everyone in our class who chose an Impressionist sweated over the work. But they (the Impressionists) had such a lovely way with their brushstrokes and colours - as you say, a great learning curve.
Hi Jo Ann. You were the inspiration for posting this one. Thank you for the kind words. I don't think I'd enjoy dissecting a painting either - did too much of that at school so I don't envy you that one. I'm looking forward to seeing the family, but still unsure about the weather!
Hi Liz, I haven't seen her finished! She is beautiful! The colours are so gentle and delacate. I love it!
Hi Carol -
This piece is lovely. That's so wonderful you're going to Sweden, and congratulations on that new little one!
Hey Carol I'll bring it round on Friday to show you.
Hello Rachel. Thank you for saying such nice things! This is not my first trip to Sweden but the first in the middle of Winter. I'm looking forward to the new arrival - but not the cold!
Hi Liz...I think you did a smashing job. Have a good trip to Sweeden, stay warm and enjoy the time with family - especially the expected arrival. Post us some paintings done while you're there. We'll miss you.
wow this looks good liz
very sensual and dreamy
have a wonderful trip!
Susan that is so nice of you. I will certainly try to do some painting, otherwise it will be pictures of snow - something I'm not that familiar with! No just kidding. I'm taking my watercolours so here's hoping.
Thank you so much Rob - and thank you for visiting me. I love your work.
Wait, don't leave yet! I just found you! ; ) beautiful work, Liz. You have such a fresh approach in your portraits. Everyone you paint seems to glow with life!
Wow Nancy, thank you so much. I've just visited your blogs and am going to put your name on my blog list. Really lovely still lifes and your pug rescue site brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely love dogs - all of them! Well done on helping those less fortunate ones.
Hello Liz, Love your painting. My paint group studied the "Masters" for over a year, reading about them and reproducing their paintings. Really a wonderful exercise. I've only been to Sweden in spring, cannot imagine what awaits you, but the new baby will surely warm your heart!
Hi Carol, thanks for the visit. I only studied the Masters when I was at school and then had to analyse them to death! This too, is my first trip to Sweden in Winter so it's a new experience. It's a beautiful country in Summer. I leave in two days and haven't even packed!
Hi Liz
I love your paintings, I wish you a good trip.
Lovely painting, well done, not easy to do. And thanks for the reminder about Morisot, I had forgotten how much I admired her when I started.
Looking forward to the snow paintings!
Hello Liz, his works are very beautiful and expressive.
a hug ,
Carla Bernardes
Beautiful work Liz! Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog...have a great weekend!
Is Beautiful painting,
Liz I love your Morisot copy! I am going to try one of her still lifes this semester. suzi
Liz I love your Morisot copy! I am going to try one of her still lifes this semester. suzi I created an eblogger page in trying to get touch with another artist who likes susie pryor paintings but I can't figure out how to work the blog. If you can give me any advice on how to blog it would be great.
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